
可及性服务, located in lower Wege 103 C, is the office responsible for determining eligibility and appropriate reasonable accommodations for Aquinas students 有残疾的. 我们协助学院履行其法律责任 mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities 2008年修订的法案(ADA). 如果学生提出住宿要求 you directly, you may refer the student to 可及性服务 to initiate the request.


A student with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities such as walking, talking, concentration, learning, or performing manual 任务,可能符合可访问性服务的条件. 这包括(但不限于) to) students with mental health conditions, autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, 注意缺陷多动障碍和医疗条件. 残疾是怎样的 may manifest and impact a student's experience at AQ varies significantly from person to person, as as such, each student's unique needs will be considered when determining 合适的场所.

Who decides which academic accommodations are appropriate for a student, and how is 这个决定?

The Director of 可及性服务 engages an interactive process with each student that involves review of documentation from an appropriate professional and an interactive 与学生一起进行需求评估. 合理的安排被批准解决 the impact of the condition and barriers presented by academic and student learning environments.


No, many students either choose not to register for accessibility services, or decide 他们不需要住宿. 其他人需要无障碍服务,但没有选择 to use them. 教职员工也被告知不得提供住宿 无障碍服务中心的正式住宿信.


Upon student request and verification of eligibility, an accommodation letter is prepared by 可及性服务 and provided to the student via email or hard copy. Students are responsible for initiating a meeting with instructors, providing the accommodation letter and making arrangements for accommodations (such as scheduling with the testing center). If a student requests accommodations without providing an accommodation letter, 在提供住宿之前,你应该索要一封信. 在某些情况下,如果 disability is obvious and the request is reasonable, you should provide the accommodation 在等待住宿信的时候. 关于这种区别的问题可以 由无障碍服务署署长澄清.

What should I do if a student gives me an accommodation letter from 可访问性 Services?

When a student gives you an accommodation letter and discloses that he or she has a disability, you should meet privately with the student and establish a means of providing accommodations in a timely manner that is satisfactory to you and the student. Faculty members can also greatly support the student by asking what can be done in 本课程便于学习和进入课堂. 不要问学生 他们的残疾是什么. 他们可能会自愿提供这些信息,但事实并非如此 被要求这样做(并且经常被鼓励不要这样做).

What is my responsibility for maintaining confidentiality about a student’s disability?

Information about a student’s disability status and accommodations may be shared with 工作人员仅在需要时协助提供住宿或服务. Faculty 是否应该向同学透露学生的残疾状况. 如果发送 email message to students about accommodation arrangements, send individual messages or blind copy (bcc) a group of students so that their names are not disclosed to each other. 无障碍住宿信应存放在安全的地方 并在学期结束后被撕碎.


Faculty members who have been notified by the student with an accommodation letter in a timely fashion are responsible for fulfilling classroom accommodation requests. 有时,请求可能直接来自无障碍服务. 可访问性 Services will assist with accommodations that require converting materials to electronic format, arranging for note takers, alternate testing location for some students, providing 学年期间的适应性设备、抄写员或读卡器. 在春天/夏天 semester, faculty are responsible for providing extended test time accommodations 如果可能的话,尤其是在期中考试和期末考试的时候.

What is the best way to encourage students to 请求住宿 early in the semester?

Place the following statement on the front page of your syllabus (rather than the last page) to show students that meeting their individual needs is important and highlight 你在学期伊始就欢迎各种各样的学习者. 也鼓励学生 to visit the 可及性服务 office as soon as possible, even if it is just 以了解它提供的服务.

靠谱电子游艺平台 is committed to providing equal opportunity and access for participation 在所有的项目、服务和活动中. 有以下情况人士的住宿要求 disabilities may be made by contacting the 可及性服务 Office online at www.xiaowoll.com/accessibility-services,或致电616-632-2177. 一旦你完全注册并要求住宿, 你会收到一封正式的住宿信. 请把这封信交给我 at the start of the term and/or two weeks prior to the accommodation need (test, project, etc.) so that the college can adequately plan for your accommodations and best meet your needs. 在此时间框架之后收到的请求将尽可能得到尊重.


Students are advised to meet with instructors early in the semester (during the first 1-2周的课程)安排住宿. 至少提前两周 通知是合理的考试安排. 可能需要更多的注意 some accommodations such as arranging adaptive transportation or interpreters for 实地考察或笔记服务. 因为学生可以注册服务 any time during the semester, you may receive accommodation letters throughout the semester. 你只需要从通知时间开始调整.

What is my responsibility if a student appears to have a disability, but does not 请求住宿? 如果学生自己透露有残疾,我该怎么办 想要住宿?

If you observe an obvious access issue, ask the student how or if they need assistance, 并将学生转介至无障碍服务中心进行后续讨论. Please note, however that students are not required to receive accommodations, and many students 有残疾的人选择在大学里不寻求帮助. 学生要求住宿 必须有正式的住宿通知书(LoA).


Contact the Director of 可及性服务 to discuss how the accommodation impacts 或者从根本上改变你的路线. 在很多情况下,我们会讨论你的课程目标 以及如何以创造性和适应性的方式实现这些目标. 如果你不能 reach an agreement with Director of 可及性服务, the Provost may be asked 对适当的行动方针作出最后的决定.

How are disputes resolved if a student thinks he or she is experiencing discrimination 以残疾为基础?

Students who believe they have been discriminated against and wish to seek a resolution will use the procedures outlined in the ADA/Section 504 Grievance Procedure.


8 a.m.-5 p.m. 周一至周五(秋季和春季学期)在Lower Wege办公室 103

(616) 632-2177

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