Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Brighton Miller
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Timothy Henshaw
Characterization of OXA Mutants by Comparison to the WT Enzyme

Beta-lactamases pose a serious threat to clearing bacterial infections from patients. Their wide diversity has caused havoc in the global healthcare system. Working to 了解这些酶的功能对克服这个问题很重要. In this study, we look at what could possibly be considered the most versatile and frustrating enzyme of its kind, OXA-24/40. 在自然界中,这种酶有已知的突变体G224D和 其中G224D P227S均已选用. 我们试图了解这些突变体是如何 are advantageous to the organism by performing kinetic analysis. Thus far in the study, we have successfully been able to synthesize the mutant plasmid and purify the enzyme.

Lillian Sauline
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Hess
Myxococcus xanthus: Variable Predation Strategies of Bacterial Species

The antibiotic crisis is an ongoing threat to health that has expedited the search 寻找治疗细菌感染的新疗法. Myxobacteria have been used to discover and develop new antibiotics. 一种特别有趣的粘液球菌 对黄原草的捕食特性进行了分析. M. xanthus is a Gram-negative, predatory soil bacterium which utilizes lytic metabolites and antibiotics for predation. 这种细菌既能捕食革兰氏阴性菌,也能捕食革兰氏阳性菌, including the ESKAPE pathogens, six bacteria that have increased antibiotic resistance. The potency of M. xanthus predation against each of the ESKAPE pathogens, however, is not well documented. The aim of this research is to test the predatory success of M. xanthus against these pathogens using variable predation assay methods.

Michelle Thompson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Timothy Henshaw
Generation of OXA-24/40 Variants at Position 222: Mutagenesis, Enzyme Purification, and Enzyme Kinetic Techniques

OXA-24/40 is one of the multiple enzymes that cause resistance in A. baumannii. These enzymes can disable the entire spectrum of penicillin, cephalosporin, and carbapenem antibiotics which use beta-lactams with a distinct four-membered-ring structure to inhibit bacterial growth. OXA-24/40 is able to resist antibiotic function due to beta-lactamases which hydrolyze the beta-lactam ring. 以便有效地对有效性进行分类 of OXA-24/40 on antibiotic resistance, Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics is examined. This project investigates the role mutations G222R and G222E play in altering the 野生型OXA-24/40的底物特异性. 这项调查将试图描述 the oxacillinase on the protein level and determine its effectiveness against beta-lactam substrates. 

Joshua Wierenga
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Flaherty
Characterization of HaCaT Keratinocyte Cell Death during Group B Streptococcus Infection

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) infects a wide variety of human tissues including the skin, meninges, vagina, and placenta. 40%的孕妇存在GBS is one of the leading causes of neonatal disease and death.  Over the past thirty years, GBS skin infections have increased significantly, posing a threat toward the elderly and immunocompromised. Much research has been conducted on GBS infection during pregnancy, but not as much is known about how GBS infects human skin and soft tissue.  In light of the current antibiotic crisis and increasing incidence of GBS skin and soft tissue infections, it is more important than ever to understand the mechanism GBS与这些组织中的细胞相互作用. To begin addressing this knowledge gap, we have utilized an Ethidium Homodimer Cell Death Assay to quantify GBS-induced cell death in keratinocytes over the course of infection.  Additionally, we have used Western Blotting to assess the involvement of specific proteins that may regulate 感染角化细胞中的细胞死亡信号.  We anticipate that this work will 提供有助于对抗严重GBS皮肤感染的重要见解. 

Biology and Health Sciences

Michelle Thompson, Yadira S. De-Leon-Lopez
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Flaherty
Analysis of Macrophage Cell Death in Response to Diverse Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Isolates

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a leading cause of preterm birth, stillbirth, neonatal sepsis, and meningitis worldwide.  它是泌尿生殖道的常见病 in approximately 40% of pregnant women and is a risk factor for preterm birth and neonatal disease.  In order to develop effective treatment and diagnostic strategies, there is a critical need to understand how GBS interacts with human tissues to induce 炎症,侵入胎盘外膜,危害胎儿或新生儿. Macrophages are a key immune system cell type that plays critical roles at the maternal-fetal 在怀孕期间的界面,以及在新生儿的免疫系统. Our lab and others have previously identified differences in macrophage cell death in 对不同毒力的GBS菌株的反应. A key goal of this project will be to explore the type of cell death that is being induced in these macrophages following GBS infection with these diverse strains and to explore some of the macrophage 调节这些反应的信号通路. 


Nicholas Hegenauer
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kevin Boyd
The River Narrative: The Development of Low-Cost Ion-Selective Electrodes for Environmental Monitoring

The production of low-cost ion-selective electrodes for monitoring metal levels in small bodies of water (streams, rivers) was pursued using blended polymer matrices (polystyrene, polylactic acid, and polymethylmethacrylate) and Schiff base complexes as ionophores. 生成了四种不同的希夫碱配体(苯胺-水杨酸醛二胺) (φ-sal), (1-naphthyl)salicylaldimine, isopropylsalicylaldimine, 和ethylenediamine-bis-salicylaldimine (salen)) and complexes of these four ligands with Cu2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, and Fe2+ as central 离子作为离子载体被合成和测试. Initially promising results were found with both φ-sal and salen ligands with equimolar mixtures of PS and PMMA as matrices. Both traditional wet electrodes with Ag|AgCl internal electrodes and solid graphite electrodes were produced. Some limited success was found with Cu2+ selectivity on 石墨电极和Ni2+选择性优于传统湿电极. A Mn(φ−sal) complex with interesting optical and magnetic properties was synthesized and its properties and identity were explored.

John Van Til
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Fritz
Tri-Bromination of Cyclopentanone Using a Hydrobromic Acid/Hydrogen Peroxide System

Hydrobromic acid and hydrogen peroxide were used to generate diatomic bromine in-situ 以环戊酮为原料合成2,2,5-三溴环戊酮. Multiple reaction conditions were explored in an attempt to find parameters resulting in a tribrominated major product.

Data Analytics
Ronnie McMillan
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joseph Fox

In this project, we conducted a series of interviews with data science practitioners, specifically those who regularly use the statistical programming language R, to gain insights about the skills that are considered valuable in the professional data analytics community.  We used these insights to rework the course MS 282 (Applied Statistics with R), which is a foundational course in the Data Analytics major, making it into a completely project-based experience.  这种修改包括编写和测试 a series of projects based on industry-provided datasets.


Sydney Wetzel
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Hojnacki
Blogging Abroad: Corroborating Krashen’s Theory of Second Language Acquisition Using a Student Kept Study Abroad Blog

The present study analyzed the blog of a language learner during a study abroad semester in Germany to categorize their observations according to second language acquisition theory. 这种定性分析寻找的是令人厌烦的共同学习经历 out the five theories of Stephen Krashen’s Monitor Model. By identifying commonalities in the learner’s observations, the researchers looked for ways to improve preparation for study abroad by coaching students to recognize these common learning experiences and record their SLA progression with a language learning blog. The results suggest that students could be coached to recognize their language learning and capitalize on the five areas of the Monitor Model. 这些结果可能对 higher education study abroad programs and language learners hoping to maximize their 留学期间语言能力提高.

Geography and Environmental Studies

Parker Erickson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jim Rasmussen & Dr. Rich McCluskey
The Effects of Mountain Biking on West Michigan Trail Systems

This project intended to find the effects mountain bikes have on multi-use trail systems in the Greater Grand Rapids Area. 选取3个试验系统进行分析; Cannonsburg State Game Area (CSGA), Luton Park, and Merrell Trail. Each trail was 因其独特的特点而被选中. Luton Park is carefully constructed with mountain bikes and trail running in mind, and does not allow use during wet conditions. Merrell is built similarly to Luton, and discourages wet-weather riding, however it is not enforced and largely ignored. CSGA是一个松散的构造和维护 technical trail that has no posted rule on riding in the wet. It is however closed for half of the year for hunting season. 通过测量轨迹宽度和最大切口 at an interval of 0.2 miles for each trail, basic erosion profiles were created for each trail. 人们发现梅雷尔小径是最深最宽的, at over two inches deeper than either of the other trails. Luton came in as the shallowest, 支持雨天骑行对步道有害的观点. 

Kyle Pinckney
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rich McCluskey & Dr. Jim Rasmussen
Exploring Social-Ecological Dynamics in Rewilding Projects: A Case Study of Employee Perceptions in Kent County Parks

This case study focuses on employee perceptions and interactions with rewilding projects in a park setting. Specifically, the study examines how employee perceptions vary 根据工作职责和经验. The study examines the attitudes and beliefs of seasonal workers, park management, and administration regarding the 放归野生项目对环境、公园使用和工作量的影响. Literature suggests that effective communication among employees and with patrons plays a crucial 决定重建项目成功与否的角色. A survey was conducted with 3-7 respondents from each group, with questions focused on familiarity with rewilding 项目、频率、培训、报告和影响. Likert-scale data was used as a dependent variable, and statistical tests were applied to the data, including Cramer’s V and chi-squared tests. The results suggest that there are differences in perceptions among the three groups regarding the impacts of rewilding projects. These findings suggest that rewilding projects may benefit from increased communication and collaboration between different levels of park management and employees. The study adds to the existing research on rewilding projects and provides insights for park managers and policymakers on how to address concerns and optimize project goals and outcomes on a social-ecological level.

Sarah Thong
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jim Rasmussen & Dr. Rich McCluskey

This experimental study aims to understand the impact of biochar soil amendments on agricultural fields in West Michigan. 生物炭是碳化的生物质,由 burning plant-based materials in a limited oxygen environment until only a lightweight 由碳和灰烬组成的残留物. 生物炭有多种有用的应用 such as carbon sequestration, improvement in soil health, and increases in crop productivity and quality. In this study, soil samples were taken from 4 agricultural fields in West Michigan and 2 different biochar soil amendments (Red Oak and White Pine) were used. 比较了添加生物炭前后土壤的田间容量 修正萝卜和萝卜种子生长3周来检验假设. It was found that biochar amendments do increase field capacity, or the amount of water that the soil can hold, at the 0.05 level of precision. The White Pine Biochar was found to increase field capacity the most, likely due to the structure of the White Pine being less dense than that of Red Oak. 无统计学意义相关 found between biochar amendments and the above-ground biomass and or the date of germination.


Nicole Gregory
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shari McCarty
Program Evaluation for Mathematics Education - Secondary Teacher Preparation at Aquinas College

This program evaluation investigated the strengths and weaknesses of Aquinas College’s current Mathematics program with respect to secondary education and teacher preparation. The researchers studied the traits of well-qualified teachers and developed program suggestions that would blend teacher preparation with the existing traditional math content in the major.

Kate Kramm
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joseph Fox and Dr. Kevin Boyd

The acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of sucrose is nearly a unimolecular reaction, meaning the reaction solely depends on the concentration of sucrose. The data obtained from 这个反应是基于偏振光计的使用. This instrument utilizes a polarized light and the angle of its rotation in order to determine concentration of a substance. In this case, the measurement was determining the amount of sucrose remaining as it decomposed into fructose and lactose. 用这种格式得到的动力学数据为 represented as integrated data because the measurement is written as concentration in relation to time. From this, the use of calculus techniques can be used to analyze the data obtained through polarimetry in order to determine the rate constant and 根据速率定律反应的阶数. 


Margo Ardelean
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Daniel Wagner
Nature, Philosophy, and Latin in St. Thomas Aquinas’ De Principiis Naturae 

这个项目的主要目标是双重的. First, the student will acquire basic understanding and habits of Latin forms, grammar, syntax, and vocabulary necessary for producing philosophical translations of the work of St. Thomas Aquinas. Second, the student and faculty mentor will collaborate to produce a philosophical translation 一段重要的圣. Thomas Aquinas’ De principiis naturae, continuing the tradition of philosophically engaging the Angelic Doctor in his own language of composition. We will continue a translation of De principiis naturae by translating chapter 3. This project is a continuation of previous studies done on the first and second chapters of the De principiis naturae. This work, in turn, constitutes the second stage of a larger project to publish a new translation of the De principiis naturae as a whole, with philosophical commentary, for use by scholars and students.

Political Science

Aiden Raffaele
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Roger Durham

This study evaluates the environmental policy and practice, particularly in the transportation and energy sectors, of U.S. 人口在20万到22万之间的城市. Much 的分析来自18个R2相关性(9在运输部门和 9 in the energy sector) in order to discover the relationships between variables such as area and public transportation ridership, or average temperature and residential natural gas usage. Furthermore, this study seeks to determine if cities of this size 有能力通过城市政策大幅改变二氧化碳排放量吗 and the practice of residents, or if the emissions of these cities are based on factors beyond the municipality’s control. 
Additionally, the study draws out the larger conclusions revealed by examining multiple correlations, such as an “economies of scale” dynamic and the emissions contributions 天然气和电力在不同领域的应用. In short, this study looks at a number of variables that pertain to emissions and relevant policies and practices in these cities, and seeks to establish the extent of the relationship between them.


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Meador
How College Students Cope with Stress

大学生经常面临着不同程度的心理压力. As a result, they search for ways to cope with these burdensome feelings and to improve their wellbeing. Healthy coping strategies often fall into one of eight categories of wellness: physical, occupational, social, emotional, intellectual, environmental, financial, and spiritual wellness. 不管他们是否意识到,大学生 often use the eight dimensions of wellness when responding to stress. In this study, the researchers seek to explore which dimensions of wellness Aquinas College students 面对压力时最有可能使用的是什么. 参与者将完成一个35道题 谷歌表格调查反映了他们的压力水平和应对策略. Overall, this study will fill a gap in the literature, promote wellness, and improve students' 意识到并使用与压力相关的应对机制.   

Gillian Carver, Morgan Cremer
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Daniel Cruikshanks
The Impact of Menstrual Cycle and How it Affects Mental Health in Menstruating Individuals 

The importance of the study is to explore and understand the correlation between mental health and menstruating individuals. 我们的研究将探讨的问题是 月经期间心理健康状况下降. Exploring how early puberty may have a role in the development of menstrual diagnoses and mental health. Along with the 这些可能会对日常工作造成困难. We are researching menstruating individuals and how they feel at the time of the follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases. 我们的调查将氢溴酸和过氧化氢分别用来生成 diatomic bromine in-situ in an attempt to synthesize 2,2,5-tribromocyclopentanone from cyclopentanone. Multiple reaction conditions were explored in an attempt to find 产生三溴化主要产物的参数. l be administered throughout the three different phases. 调查包括与…相关的问题  IPIP量表和症状检查表90-R. The hypotheses are that daily tasks are 这会让人筋疲力尽,可能会导致精神健康问题. Along with the hypothesis that the effects mainly happen when women are in the week leading up 她们的经期和经期的那一周.  

Nicole Divita, Alanna Ross
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Daniel Cruikshanks 
The Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Borderline Personality Symptoms: A Deeper look at Impulsivity, Emotional Dysregulation, and Attachment

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by patterns of emotional instability, 人际关系失调,情绪波动剧烈,还有 impulsivity. 人们对BPD的发展和如何环保的兴趣越来越大 factors such as adverse childhood experiences contribute to the onset of this disorder. 这项研究的目的是确定童年虐待是如何影响的 borderline personality features of emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, and attachment style, and if there are any differences between males and females. Participants will 18岁以上说英语的成年人在100到500人之间. The study will be conducted via Google Forms where participants will complete a questionnaire. We will be using the Adult Attachment Scale (Collins and Read, 1990), the International 个性项目池量表用于冲动控制和情绪稳定 adverse childhood experience scale. 我们假设不利的童年经历 lead to higher rates of impulsivity, emotional dysregulation, and insecure or anxious 依恋类型,这些都是BPD的特征. The goal of this study is to provide additional evidence of how our environment can influence our development and 人格,并可能导致BPD的发病.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Meador
An Analysis of Social Media Applications and Their Effects on Aquinas College Students' Body Image and Self-Esteem

The current study aims to understand further the connection between social media platforms 大学生身体意象与自尊的关系. The following research question includes, what effects do various social media platforms have on Aquinas College students’ opinions of their bodies, and how does that affect their sense of self-worth? The study will include questions regarding physical impacts, mental impacts, gender differences, international connections, and differences in 社交媒体应用,以及社交媒体之外的外部因素. The study extends previous research by exploring the relationship between college students' use of social media and their self-esteem and body image. Men are under-represented in this field and we wish to learn more about men's connection to social media and body image. 

Jonah Maichele, Makenna Lopez
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Meador
Relationship between Physical Activity and Screen Time on Emotional Development in Children

这篇文献综述将讨论屏幕时间之间存在的关系 and physical activity on emotional development in children. This topic has not been studied at great length, but of the research that has been conducted, there is evidence indicating the process of how screen time, physical activity, parenting styles, and 日常生活影响了儿童的情感发展. The pertinent literature reviews the potential negative impacts on emotional development with increased screen time as well as potential positive impacts when children participate in routine activities, increased physical activity, and are engaged in their parents lives. Within the literature, 存在许多差异,包括无法确定最佳数量 of screen time compared to physical activity and the impact of the emotional development, as each child is different. 已经实施了一些措施和指导方针 比如每天锻炼的“一小时”,但调节看屏幕的时间却是 a difficult issue to address. 由于这些差异,进一步的研究 needs to be conducted to accurately determine the effects of screen time, activity 父母对孩子情感发展的影响. 

Kyle Reck, Laney DeBrabander 
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Daniel Cruikshanks 
Examining the effect of parental status on social discomfort and risk of substance use

Divorce impacts an estimated 40-50% of married couples (Wallenborn, Chambers, Lowery, & Masho, 2019). Research has found an increased likelihood of mental and physical 父母离婚的儿童和青少年的健康问题(El-Sheikh, & Harger, 2001年),并增加了患物质使用障碍的风险(Blake, McNeish, & Chassin, 2022). 我们调查了婚姻状况和可能性之间的关系 of a child developing social discomfort and/or substance use problems. We conducted an online survey with a final sample of 99 participants. Independent variables included, age of child when parents divorced, primary custodial parent, mental health problems, whether they were raised with split or sole custody, and if the parents remained divorced or remarried. Dependent variables included substance abuse and social discomfort. Participants were adults whose parents are married, divorced, or remarried, with varying 社交不适和物质使用的程度. 父母婚姻之间的联系 status with social discomfort and substance use were analyzed. Results will be presented.

Tabitha Schaub-Carter, Grace Weidmayer, Christopher Benitez 
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Meador
Researching Symptomology of College Students with, without, and self-diagnosed ADHD

This study investigated the symptomology of ADHD in college students with, without, and self-diagnosed ADHD.  研究人员调查了大学生的报告 分析他们大学生活中ADHD症状的流行程度、严重程度和结果.

Briana Trepa, Hannah Gill, Steffano Riley
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Meador
Correlation Between Playing Childhood Video Games and Adult Aggression

This study explores the literature on violent video game usage during childhood and its effect on adulthood aggression. 虽然文献表明存在 link between violent video game usage and aggression, we also want to explore the possibilities of other potentially important factors that may contribute to aggression. We look at six measures, which include: Age, Video Games, Parenting Styles, Competitiveness, 攻击性和犯罪,看看它们之间是否有关联. As a result of the uncertainty in the literature, we have decided further research needs to be conducted to accurately determine whether video game usage as children influences aggression in adulthood.


Yussuf Abdullahi
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Lorr

我的广泛主题是全面支持和第一代大学生. I chose this topic to find out what support first generation college students receive and how that 在他们的大学经历中阻碍他们或促进他们. There are different aspects at hand that play into the support first generation college students can receive ranging 从他们的家庭,社交网络(朋友) & peers), and the college. The population 我打算研究的是那些被贴上第一代大学生标签的人 谁将是他们家族中第一个完成大学学业的人,还是第一个继续前进的人 college. 这是我打算研究的人群,因为他们在我的研究范围内 interest and are what my research is based on, so the population of first generation college students will be the most effective for me as it will help me establish my findings and my research as well. 这个话题对我找到文献是至关重要的 and the findings because being a first generation college student I always wondered how others were like that were first gen as well as the support system they had or have looks like from a different perspective than my own. 

Alana Calhoun
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jen Lendrum
大学生对食物的体验:获取 & Barriers

Food insecurity is a social problem and public health concern that impacts many communities. 粮食不安全是指无法持续获得负担得起的健康食品.There are many factors that may contribute to food insecurity among college students, including individual and household economic barriers, college tuition obligations, and limited employment opportunities (Henry, 2017). 大学为学生提供一些资源 dealing with food insecurity, however there may be gaps in the resources (Miller et al, 2019). 此外,对可用性的知识和认识也存在差距 (and conditions) of available resources. 为了在靠谱电子游艺平台探讨这些问题, we conducted a survey study entitled: 大学生对食物的体验:获取 & Barriers, to answer research questions regarding Aquinas College students’ experiences with food insecurity and their knowledge of and willingness to utilize campus resources. The preliminary data highlights barriers to food on and near Aquinas College campus 以及与粮食不安全相关的耻辱. The emerging theme of “more,” 无论是信息、资源、灵活性等等., will be communicated to the 通过电子游艺靠谱平台社区可能的建议来解决这些问题. 

Gillian Carver
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Lorr
Discrimination & Society: A look into Romantic Interracial Relationships

The purpose of this research is to examine interracial relationships and the discrimination 关系中的每个人都会遇到. Highlighting that this has been an ongoing issue historically; interracial relationships were first banned in 1664 and 直到1967年,它才在美国所有地区合法化.S. states. Indicating that interracial relationships have only been “accepted” for approximately 55 years. This research 探索有关该主题的有限学术文章. The literature I have explored discusses interracial friendships, interracial relationship experiences, and discrimination and the effect it has on mental health. 这个有限的文献没有讨论 individual’s experienced discrimination that society puts on them. With this research, I will be able to examine the gaps I have found in this literature. Such as the discrimination 每个个体在跨种族关系中的经历以及它如何影响他们 relationship as a whole.  The research questions that are examined throughout this research are: What kinds of discrimination do individuals in an interracial relationship encounter? 歧视是如何影响关系的? 

Brionne Crews
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Lorr
Collegiate Athletes & Institutional Support: The Relationship between Aquinas College Faculty and Athletic Burnout

This study was conducted to understand the relationship between student athlete burnout 以及靠谱电子游艺平台的社会支持. 学生运动员的职业倦怠包括身体/体力 emotional exhaustion along with a reduced sense of accomplishment  and devaluation in sport. 当看到学生运动员的身心疲惫 burnout, Aquinas college offers resources but in many senses student athletes feel 他们没有时间使用这些服务. Studies that have looked at student athletes burnout and social support suggest that perceived and received support, coach 运动员之间的关系,以及对自己的运动没有自主权都会导致 burnout of these college athletes.  这样做的目的是为了理解这些 college athletes feel supported by Aquinas College with the following research question: What does social support in the college do for college athletes that experience burnout? 

Marsha Hacker
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jen Lendrum and Dr. Michael Lorr
The Gendered Experience of Esports

For my research project, I am studying how gender impacts an individual's experience in esports by primarily looking at gender minority experiences. Esports is a quickly 这是一个基于电子游戏性别歧视文化的新兴产业. I plan 通过调查对象来研究这种性别差异的经历. The population used for this research is esports members who also are a part of the gender minority, meaning individuals who identify as non-male and have some experience in the esports environment. 这个项目的目标是获得更多关于性别环境的见解 of esports in order to better understand and make steps towards creating a safe and welcoming place for all genders. 

Mallory Ignasiak
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jen Lendrum and Dr. Michael Lorr
Stress and Its Coping Mechanisms in Undergraduate College Students

大学生的生活中经常会有压力感. Adapting to this new condition called “campus life” involves a lot of change and uncertainty. Students are required to meet academic deadlines, while also maintaining healthy social 与朋友和家人的关系. However, this may differ among men and women. 研究表明,在压力体验上存在性别差异. Not only that, existing data has also depicted a difference in the management of stress among race, ethnicity, sexuality, and other gender identities. Coping strategies can be divided into two groups: problem-solving and avoidant. In the literature, it’s 显然一种策略比另一种更好. With this study, the management of stress will be considered in the lives of undergraduate college students at Aquinas College. 面试本来是可以进行的,但由于时间限制,只能通过电子邮件进行 surveys and flyers had to suffice. 最后,本研究将从一个方面来探讨这个问题 interpretative stance, while also developing some ideas from the concept of gender theory.

Ada Shaw
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jen Lendrum
Factors Shaping Trends of Poor(er) Mental Health: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study of Grand Rapids

As a collective, we are experiencing long-term, cumulative socio-cultural stressors that negatively impact our health and overall well-being (Garfin, et al, 2018; Phelan et al, 2000). Americans now dealing with depression or anxiety-related symptoms has increased to about 4 in 10, an increase from 1 in 10 from 2019 (Panchal, et al, 2021). This ethnographic research explores social factors that contribute to well-being in 尤其是大急流城.) religion; 2.) social networks; and 3.) public spaces. The main purpose of this research is to explore the complex factors 导致西密歇根人心理健康状况不佳. It further seeks to examine the role of structural forces including the local labor market and availability of “good” jobs, the structure of the neighborhood, in particular “other” spaces such as porches and parks, the role of local churches as a place of worship and support, 以及社区和社交网络的作用.

World Languages

Casey Zeiler 
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Katharina Häusler-Gross
Healing Trauma in Military Personnel with Creative Arts: A Community-Engaged Approach

The present study seeks to explore alternative ways to address mental health issues (including PTSD, depression, substance abuse, and low self-esteem) experienced by current US military members and veterans during their time of service. A review of the recent scholarship on this topic was undertaken to examine the advantages of non-verbal therapies (art therapy) to treat military-induced trauma in individuals who lack the ability to express their experiences with language, and explore the benefits that specific art therapy techniques (painting, drawing, working with clay) offer as potential treatment options. This paper proposes the creation of a physical ‘safe space’ that also serves as a community center for traumatized military personnel (both past and present), where individuals can collaborate with trained experts (art therapists, counselors) to process their experiences by creating art with various media while 受益于综合民事支助系统. While further research is needed to assess the  long-term effects of art therapy approaches, this study outlines the potential benefits this project could hold for different demographic groups that have 暴露于潜在的创伤性事件(例如.g.,身体/性侵犯,精神/物质 disorders).

Mackenzie Wnuk
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Katharina Häusler-Gross
Learning from Europe: Exploring Strategies that Foster a Healthy and Sustainable Workplace Culture for Employees

In response to post-pandemic studies that highlighted the increased importance of a healthy and sustainable work-life balance for the overall well-being of employees, this paper seeks to provide a better understanding of the concept in German-speaking countries, while also outlining potential benefits to improve the health and performance of individuals in the workplace.
德国与中国工作场所文化与工作场所需求的比较研究. American 各公司透露了不利于后者的显著差异. In fact, the ‘inability’ of US employees to disconnect from their work stands in stark contrast to Europeans who exhibit more respect for the delineation between work and personal life.
Based on the results obtained from an examination of selected cultural, structural, economic, and social differences between Europe and the US, this study describes key strategies and policies that are utilized by German, Austrian and Swiss companies, which could also be adopted in the US.
However, additional research is needed that measures the qualitative and quantitative output of these initiatives (or programs) to aid companies with the effective implementation of strategies geared to improve the work-life balance in day-to-day workplace operations.

Sydney Wetzel
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Katharina Häusler-Gross
A Snippet of Story-Based Learning: Using Narration to Teach High School German within Historical Context

The present study aimed to create a model of an adaptable story-based unit plan, which 可以纳入高级高中德语课程吗 classroom.In order to meet this goal, a qualitative analysis of current scholarly 对基于故事的学习及其教学方法进行了研究. This review  revealed both engaging and effective learning events which were used to build 理论单元和相应的教案.
The model unit contained 16 lessons on a variety of German history topics for ACTFL 中级(德语四级)高中学生. The results of this study suggest that story-based learning could positively affect overall learning gains in a variety of academic subjects when utilized as the basis of either in-class activities or an entire curriculum. While the story-based unit created for this project is sound in theory, further research with an experimental group must be conducted to fully establish 这个单元是一个功能性的,适应性的模型