靠谱电子游艺平台很荣幸能与Études法语国际中心合作 法国西部天主教大学(university of Catholique de l' west)的法语学期课程 Angers. 探索卢瓦尔河谷的中心地带,体验丰富的历史 and heritage of France through this program. This semester immerses students in French 语言文化不仅可以通过课堂教学,还可以通过短途旅行 and living with a French host family.

  • GPA of 2.5+
  • 2 completed semesters at Aquinas College
  • 完成FRE 202,成绩为C或以上,或法语成绩为360+ Test
  • 没有留校察看或最近有严重或重复的行为记录 from the Dean of Students

学生在春季学期参加并获得12 - 18个学分 towards French major/minor requirements.

Upon arrival, students take a French placement exam. Based on the results, students 是否被安排在适当的必修语言课程中. Placement level can affect 有哪些选修课可供学生选修. Additionally, advanced 学生可以选择参加一个选定的课程-在咨询 他是西部天主教大学的驻校主任. 


Required Course:

  • 语言(语言,A1-C1级)(6 - 9学分取决于水平,FRE 229法语选修课)

选修课程(选择1 - 4门课程,视乎水平而定):

  • 语法(语法a - C1)(3学分,法语选修课FRE 299)
  • 语音学(音域,A1 - C1级)(3学分,法语选修课FRE 299)
  • Oral Expression (Expression orale, level B1.1/B1.2) (3 credits, FRE 301 French Conversation 和作文I或FRE 302法语会话和作文II/写作强化)
  • Oral Comprehension (Compréhension orale, level B1.1/B1.2) (3 credits, FRE 301 French Conversation and Composition I)
  • Written Skills (Compétences écrites, level B1.1/B1.2) (3 credits, FRE 302 French Conversation and Composition II/Writing Intensive)
  • 文学(文学,B1 - B2)(3学分,FRE 396 Special Topics(法语))
  • 社会/文化研究(社会文化研究,B1级.1/B1.2) (3 credits, FRE 396 Special Topics in French)
  • 文化与发现(文化与发展,B1级).1/B1.2) (3 credits, FRE 369 Special Topics in French)
  • French History (Histoire de France, level B1.1 - C1) (3 credits, FRE 396 Special Topics in French)
  • Art History (Histoire de l’art, level B1.1 - C1) (3 credits, FRE 396 Special Topics in French)
  • 戏剧化的表情(表达),B1级.2 - C1) (3 credits, FRE 396 Special Topics in French)
  • 新闻与媒体(actualitacimeset msamdias, B2 - C1级)(3学分,FRE 369 Special Topics) in French)
  • 欧洲政治生活(Vie politique et system europ, B2 - C1)(3学分) FRE 396 Special Topics in French)
  • 音乐史(音乐史,B2 - C1)(3学分,FRE 396 Special Topics in French)
  • 哲学(哲学,B2 - C1)(3学分,FRE 396法语专题)
  • 神学(修业,B2 - C1级)(3学分,FRE 396 Special Topics(法语))
  • French Fashion (Français de la mode, level A2 - B1.1) (3 credits, FRE 405 French for Professions/Senior Capstone)
  • 商务法语(franais des affaires, B1 - C1)(3学分,法语FRE 405) for Professions/Senior Capstone)
  • French for Tourism (Francais du tourisme, level B1.2) (3 credits, FRE 405 French for Professions/Senior Capstone)
  • Translation (Traduction anglais-francais, level B1.2 - C1) (3 credits, FRE 405 French for Professions/Senior Capstone)

CIDEF组织有导游的卢瓦尔河谷一日游或半天游 or Western France. 这些短途旅行的目的是增加该计划的课程 并带学生去不同的城市和文化遗址,包括当地和地区. 过去,学生们有机会参观圣米歇尔山和圣米歇尔山 马洛,诺曼底登陆日海滩,卢瓦尔河谷的尚堡堡,安茹,吉维尼, 历史主题公园Puy du Fou,以及莫比汉高尔夫球/瓦纳. Excursion opportunities and experiences vary semester-to-semester. CIDEF also offers additional cultural activity 烹饪课程等体验需要额外付费(15欧元至40欧元或16美元至45美元), cost depends on the activity). Students can sign up for additional excursions led 通过CIDEF(额外费用- 70欧元或每次游览约75 - 80美元)或创建 their own experiences through independent travel. 

参与者将被安置在当地家庭的寄宿家庭中. This setting provides 有机会建立友谊,深入了解日常生活,以及 为个别学生提供即时的本地资源. Integration into the daily 寄宿家庭的工作允许定期和实际的语言应用 and insight into cultural values and behaviors. Additionally, host families provide 早餐,三顿晚餐,厨房供学生使用.

The program fee is in addition to Aquinas tuition. 学生将不收取电子游艺靠谱平台住宿费,也不需要电子游艺靠谱平台餐 plan if they participate in this program.

Approximate cost: $7,900

The program fee includes:

  • Roundtrip airfare
  • Housing (with a host family)
  • 部分游览(其他游览需额外收费)
  • Course materials
  • 每周早餐和三顿晚餐(由寄宿家庭提供)
  • Health/travel insurance 

额外的游览和文化活动,由CIDEF计划,目前费用为70欧元 每次游览(约75 - 80美元),每次活动15 - 40欧元(16 - 45美元). 

请访问“金钱问题”页面并查看预算工作表以获取信息 on scholarships and other expense considerations.

Additional Application

被国际项目办公室录取后,你 会被邀请通过CIDEF网站注册吗.


A visa is required in order to study abroad in France. Visa processing times can vary, 但通常需要6 - 10周,所以一定要提前计划. Once accepted into the program, CIDEF将向您发送支持函和说明,以便您开始签证流程.

The process looks like this: 

  • Register with Campus France USA for pre-approval
  • 完成签证申请,准备必要的申请材料
  • 在离开前30-90天在芝加哥的VFS全球中心预约 (take appropriate documents with you)
  • Receive visa after processing time of 3 - 4 weeks
  • 抵达法国后,登记并验证签证


一旦你承诺参加这个项目,国际项目办公室将会 联系经济援助办公室确认你的参与,他们会的 determine your eligibility for the Dr. Harry and Mrs. Sheila Knopke Scholarship for 国际学习奖学金和任何其他内部奖学金.

Additionally, the Alliance Française de Grand Rapids Scholarship 每年提供给有兴趣的初三或大四学生 精通法语和法语国家文化. Applications are typically due in April.

最后,查看“资金问题”页面的“外部奖学金”部分,了解更多信息 scholarship opportunities.

More info

联系国际项目办公室或查看 CIDEF website for additional program information.