Over 130 years of success stories.

电子游艺靠谱平台在帮助我们的学生建立坚实的基础方面有着丰富的历史. Over 在过去130多年的历程中,我们的毕业生不断巩固自己 paths to success. These paths that each of our alumni have carved started with their experience at Aquinas.



Areas of Study
Business Administration and Communications

“即使你已经离开很久了,电子游艺靠谱平台社区的联系仍然贯穿始终 the world are amazing. Once a Saint, always a Saint.”

Jerome Williams with running shoes slung over his shoulder

I chose Aquinas College because I want to be a leader. Because of the small size of 在这个机构,我觉得我可以在我的第一份工作中探索领导职位 year. 

作为一名靠谱电子游艺平台的学生,我所受的教育教会了我要深入探索自己的内心 and push through mental barriers. Furthermore, education has influenced me to push myself in all I do.

电子游艺靠谱平台之后,我的抱负包括在担任领导职务之前尽可能多地学习 role. 我喜欢与人合作,我觉得如果有机会, I might thrive as a leader.

It’s great to be a Saint because we Saints show unity. We have a pride that makes the average student want to come to school. It makes the school feel less like a school and more of a fun place to be. You feel more like a part of your community. Even when 你早就走了,电子游艺靠谱平台团体在世界各地的联系是 amazing. Once a Saint, always a Saint.

Elizabeth Price



Area of Study
Early Childhood Education

“电子游艺靠谱平台重新塑造并加强了我的勇气和决心,去努力征服 things, no matter what barriers are ahead.”

高中毕业后,我在幼儿班工作了六年, 我决定,我想进一步我的知识和专业领域 early childhood. Because I worked for Grand Rapids Catholic Dioceses, I qualified for the Donnelly scholarship, which made it easier to go back to college. 

老实说,当我走过校园时,我所获得的纯粹的快乐是我最喜欢的 thing about Aquinas. I felt an honor every time I walked through the green or snowy paths from my car to class. 

被树木包围正是我内心所需要的,我永远不会忘记学习 在户外的野餐桌上,太阳随时都会从云层中探出头来.

电子游艺靠谱平台重新塑造并加强了我的勇气和决心,去努力征服 things, no matter what barriers are ahead. The professors and classmates in the education 田野是我成功和保持动力所需要的一群人.  

来自电子游艺靠谱平台的优秀教育家们因为这个项目的运作方式是 教育和教学的未来,因此,今天是成为圣人的好日子!



Areas of Study
Business and Communications

“...毫无疑问,我在电子游艺靠谱平台结交了很多朋友 will last long after I graduate.”
Macayla Jones

我选择了靠谱电子游艺平台,因为我喜欢电子游艺靠谱平台是一所很小的文理学院 在那里我可以与校园里的同学和老师建立亲密的关系. 我知道,无论我上什么学校,我都不想只是一个数字,我想 知道我可以向我的教授提出问题或在课堂上寻求帮助.

I automatically felt that sense of comfort when I stepped onto campus.

从深夜看电影到从课堂上减压,再到秋天到处拍照 校园里树叶变色的时候,一起去探索GR,已经没有了 我怀疑我在电子游艺靠谱平台建立的不可思议的友谊能否长久 after I graduate.

成为一名AQ圣徒很棒,因为我的一部分永远会被改变 并从难忘的经历和支持中以积极的方式成长 community of peers and professors that I encountered during my time at AQ. I know I will always have a home here.

Begin Your Own Aquinas Story

找到你自己,跟随你的梦想,为未来量身定制优质教育 you envision. In the heart of Grand Rapids, Aquinas College is a vibrant community where you can share ideas, explore possibilities and change the world.




Areas of Study
Mathematics, Chemistry and French

Morgan Nissen

电子游艺靠谱平台是一个很好的机会,让我继续做所有我喜欢的事情: hockey, math, science and music. 

I remember when my team won the NAIA national tournament in hockey. I don’t think I stopped smiling for a week. Upon reflection, I wasn’t smiling because of the big 我们赢得了奖杯,而是因为那种浓缩的满足感 me. 我敏锐地意识到赢得那场比赛所需要的奉献精神, 我一直为我所付出的努力感到自豪 season.

接受成为AQ圣徒的衣钵意味着承认优秀的传统. 声称你是一个AQ圣人意味着你接受了延伸的挑战 to each of us. 我们在每一次努力中都追求卓越,我们认真学习,我们实践 relentlessly and we compete with a purpose. It is great to be an AQ Saint because 当你按照这些期望生活时,你的生活就会充满挑战和机遇 you never would have thought possible.

Alexander Wilson


Current Position
Communications and Research

Areas of Study
Political Science and Spanish

“A close friend at the time told me about Aquinas. I did some research and talked 致我的家人,他们认为一个较小的学校对我来说是一个很好的社区. They were right.”

I was a pretty confused 17-year-old. I wanted to get out and start my own life, but I didn’t know where to go or how to get there. A close friend at the time told me about Aquinas. I did some research and talked to my family, who thought that a smaller school would be a good community for me. They were right.

I remember making my way through the first semester. My professors cared about how I did; they wanted me to succeed. Everyone was so incredibly gracious, so at ease 我感到一种深深的责任,随着时间的推移,我要越来越多地推动自己. 这种努力是为了成为一个更好的人,寻找恩典和原谅别人 以及我自己——电子游艺靠谱平台体现了这一切,我希望,他也给我灌输了其中的一些 virtue.

So often in adulthood, we’re put on a kind of treadmill. The speed increases, but we don’t get anywhere. There’s this elusive promise that by working harder, trying 而且,更快,更聪明,更快,我们会找到快乐,不仅仅是为我们自己 but also for everyone around us. Aquinas wasn’t worried about the treadmill. It was a bastion of mindfulness, patience and love. It emphasized charity, learning and compassion. It taught me the joy in giving and the blessing of community. These things are so treasured at Aquinas and impart significance to those who go there.

LAUX ’02
Current Position

Dean of International Programs, Pepperdine University

Areas of Study
Political Science and Spanish

“我在电子游艺靠谱平台获得的知识和经验打开了社会、经济和 political doors that had been closed to my family for generations.”
Beth Laux

I discovered Aquinas at a college fair. I had already decided to go to a university in Ohio, but the representative from Aquinas was really enthusiastic. The more I learned about the college, the more I felt that it aligned with my values. So I decided to attend Aquinas instead.

Aquinas played a critical role in my faith journey. My experiences with Campus Ministry and the college community helped solidify my identity as a Catholic woman. It helped 我会审视自己的信仰以及信仰的原因,这促使我与他人分享我的信仰.

During my time at Aquinas, I studied in Costa Rica and Spain. Those experiences profoundly impacted how I understood the world and my place in it. I became a better communicator and negotiator. The experiences made me more creative and resilient, too. After graduation, 我开始从事电子游艺靠谱平台工作,20年后我仍在提供帮助 universities create cultural experiences for students. 

作为第一代大学生,我所受教育的影响超越了我自己 as an individual. It has impacted my entire family. The knowledge and experiences 我在电子游艺靠谱平台学到的东西打开了社会,经济和政治的大门 closed to my family for generations.

Xavier Jaramillo


Current Position
Director of Foodservice at Methodist Children’s Home Society

Owner of Xav’s Catering & Xav’s Jamaican Fusion Food Truck

“《电子游艺靠谱平台》最精彩的方面之一是教职员工如何鼓励学生 to be actively involved on campus."


I came to Aquinas to run cross country. I am from New York, so I didn’t have the opportunity to be around many grassy fields and trees growing up. I chose Aquinas after seeing 招聘时发给我的漂亮的校园照片.

我在电子游艺靠谱平台的教育帮助我成为今天的领导者和企业主. 小班授课让我能够和教授交流 to grow and develop my skills. I also think that through the liberal arts, being able 参加各种各样的课程形成了我对如何处理各种情况的看法 I’ve encountered throughout my career.

电子游艺靠谱平台》最好的一个方面是教师和工作人员如何鼓励学生 to be actively involved on campus. I took this to heart during my time in college. I was even given the nickname “Mr. Aquinas.” I joined everything I could and was very active in clubs and organizations.