In Fall of 2022, 靠谱电子游艺平台 enrolled in the 赞美你的行动平台. 我们是 committed to putting Pope Francis' encyclical into action using a 10-year plan. 的 Laudato Si' Action Platform highlights seven goals for implementing integral ecology in a way that is a win-win for both natural and human ecology. 更多的信息

的 Grand Rapids 2030 District is a public-private partnership committed to creating high-performing buildings and smart mobility options that: Drawdown carbon in Grand Rapids' built environment; Increase marketability and profitability for property owners; 增强社区活力. 每个地区承诺开会 50% reductions in energy, water and transportation-related carbon emissions. 电子游艺靠谱平台 officially joined the partnership in September 2019. 更多的信息

St. 天主教气候公约
"Today the great gift of God’s Creation is exposed to serious dangers and lifestyles 可以降解它. Environmental pollution is making particularly unsustainable the lives of the poor of the world … we must pledge ourselves to take care of creation 并团结一致地分享资源.——教皇本笃十六世

Reflecting our institution’s commitment to the Dominican tradition, environmental consciousness and sustainability, 靠谱电子游艺平台 signed the St. 弗朗西斯? 2013. In signing the pledge, 电子游艺靠谱平台 has joined the Catholic Climate Covenant. 这 initiative was started by the Catholic Climate Coalition in 2009 and reflects one of the fundamental teachings of Catholicism; caring for the poor. 教会承认 that poor people are more greatly harmed by environmental pollution and global climate 改变, and therefore has set out to establish a promise to address global climate 改变. 更多的信息
As part of the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, 电子游艺靠谱平台 College is working to achieve zero municipal solid waste campus-wide.  零废物 Team assists in educational programs concerning 电子游艺靠谱平台’ waste streams. 通过合作 of faculty, staff, and students, 电子游艺靠谱平台 is working to incrementally increase our waste diversion rate, by continuing campus composting and recycling efforts as well as the added effort of special collection systems. 我们可以成为一个零浪费的校园 大家一起工作! 更多的信息
靠谱电子游艺平台是一个无烟校园. 根据环境保护 Agency, there are approximately 3,000 deaths from lung cancer and 37,000 deaths in heart disease related to second hand smoke a year. 靠谱电子游艺平台正在尽我们的一份力量 为了净化校园的空气.
靠谱电子游艺平台 is an "idle-free" campus, meaning no vehicle is permitted to idle 在学校停留时间超过5分钟. 一辆无人看管的空转车辆摆姿势 not only a safety threat but also a security risk. 根据环境保护署 Protection Agency, diesel exhaust accounts for up to 78% of the added risk of cancer 在室外的空气中. 这 includes all other hazardous air pollutants in the United 州. (清洁.org). By limiting the amount of time vehicles are permitted to idle to 5 minutes, the policy helps to preserve the natural beauty of campus while simultaneously supporting AQ's pledge to the American College and University Presidents' Climate 承诺(ACUPCC). Certain exceptions have been written into the policy to accommodate 公共汽车和柴油发动机在极端温度下. 该政策已于5月生效 1, 2011.
To help minimize energy use from equipment, 靠谱电子游艺平台 has an appliance purchasing 承诺到位. 所有新购买的电器必须是 能源之星合格. 这 commitment ensures that the most efficient appliances available on the market are purchased, helping 电子游艺靠谱平台 save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
靠谱电子游艺平台 has adopted a commitment for new building construction and major renovation 项目. All construction 项目 must be LEED certified by the U.S. 绿色建筑 委员会. 这 commitment ensures that quality, environmentally considerate buildings 项目在校园内进行. LEED建筑鼓励设计师进行整合 green features in the planning phase, instead of trying to retrofit the structure 稍后再包括它们. LEED-certified buildings use local materials, recycle construction waste, and use building techniques to help reduce energy consumption and waste. 电子游艺靠谱平台 College hopes to limit the impacts on the environment during campus construction 项目 通过这项政策. 了解我们的LEED建筑
靠谱电子游艺平台 is committed to becoming a carbon-neutral campus by 2040. 达到 this goal, the campus has completed a baseline greenhouse gas report, a Climate Action Plan, several progress reports, and updates to the campus carbon footprint. 中心 for Sustainability is working diligently to meet our mid-range goals laid out in the 气候行动计划.
拿着麦克风站在讲台前的人As one of his first official acts as 靠谱电子游艺平台 president, C. 爱德华·巴洛格签名 2007年夏天的《塔卢瓦尔宣言. 2002年,学院推出了 commitment to sustainability through the establishment of an undergraduate major in Sustainable Business and expanded its outreach to the community in 2005 with the creation 是可持续发展中心的主任. 《靠谱电子游艺平台》的签署 supports 靠谱电子游艺平台’s institutional pledge to educate, implement, and live the 可持续发展原则.
Established in 1990, the Talloires宣言 is an official commitment by presidents, rectors, and vice chancellors of universities and colleges to integrate environmental sustainability into the curriculum and processes of higher education. 它包括 ten specific actions, such as fostering environmental literacy for the entire campus 让所有利益相关者都参与到这个过程中来. 靠谱电子游艺平台加入了 356 institutions in over 40 countries that have made a commitment to the Talloires 宣言. Talloires宣言